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Tidak Dapat Mencetak SPT: Could not load file or assembly crystaldecisions windows forms version 13.0.2000.0

Masalah tersebut terjadi karena Crystal Reports Assembly yang ada pada komputer kita tidak terinstall atau versi yang terinstall adalah bukan versi yang benar.
Solusinya, install aplikasi Runtime of Crystal Reports berikut (sesuaikan dengan versi Windows kita).
32Bit 64Bit


Tidak Dapat Mencetak SPT: Occurrence of user-interacted or failed conversion

Masalah ini kerap ditemukan oleh pengguna Nitro PDF. Namun demikian, solusi berikut juga dapat digunakan oleh pengguna aplikasi lain sejenis yang mengalami masalah yang sama.

a. Uninstall Nitro PDF (atau aplikasi PDF creation lain) yang terinstall di komputer kita.
b. Download dan install versi terbaru dari Nitro PDF (
c. Restart aplikasi e-SPT.
d. Pada beberapa komputer, komputer harus direstart terlebih dahulu agar Nitro PDF yang baru dapat ter-install dengan sempurna.
e. Siap digunakan :)

Convert audionote to mp3

Hi everyone! Nice to see you on blog again! In this post, I am going to write a tutorial about how to convert files with extension .audionote to .mp3. I have just found out this step yesterday and found it useful so I want to share it here. I try it on Win7 and haven’t tested it in other OS but I think it shall work universal.

.audionote is an Apple recording file’s extension. Just like some other Apple’s extensions, this extension cannot simply be played on non-Apple devices and it is pretty hard to find software to convert it to another type of sound extension like .mp3. This tutorial might be useful if you need to share a recording file (your teacher’s presentation, workshop, phone call with your girlfriend (kidding), etc.) from your Apple device to be played to another non-Apple device in very simple steps. Here it goes:

1. Open the folder containing your .audionote file. Make sure you can see your file’s extension. If it is not shown, you can follow these additional steps:

a. Go to Control Panel
b. Click Appearance and Personalization
c. Click Folder Options
d. On tab View, uncheck Hide extensions for known file types
e. OK

2. Press F2 or right click - rename on your file. Rename the .audionote to .rar (or .zip).

3. Right click again and extract your .rar file.

4. After the extraction, you will have some files as above. The file you will convert next is the one with .caf extension (actually it is play-able already in some music software).

5. Convert your .caf file to .mp3 using sound converter software or online converter website. I am using

6. Enjoy your new recording file! Now you can play it on your Windows PC, Android, Blackberry, and other players.

Hope it works and helpful for you. If you have questions or found error related to this tutorial, please let me know by leaving comment below or contact me via email. Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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